Duke Neurology and ALS Reversals
Steve Spiegel - Administrator

Steve Spiegel

This website promotes trials of a new treatment for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease) that duplicates the therapies of ALS Reversals... but first must address mystery surrounding Reversals. Dr. Bedlack and Duke Neurology have documented (60) ALS sufferers who have reversed their symptoms as described at ALSreversals.com. Unlike applied science and the general public that ignore anomalies (inconsistencies like black sheep and ALS Reversals) because they are rare and seem inconsequential, theoretical science focuses on anomalies because investigating them promotes most scientific breakthroughs. Investigating Reversals is consistent with the old science adage to treasure exceptions (like Reversals) because they teach the general rule. But while researching anomalies produces breakthroughs from the smallpox vaccine to the AIDS vaccine, ALS researchers predominately ignore or disparage Reversals because they seem incoherent (like all anomalies until understood). Duke is a conservative institution that is aware of skepticism concerning the credibility of Reversals so only the most well-documented cases by the most well-respected physicians are included among their ALS Reversals. Dr. Bedlack and Duke Neurology document ALS Reversals and make a critically important assertion about what is causing them; it is unfortunate that researchers are not investigating because science theory implores the focus.

Similar to ALS researchers, the ALS Association and I AM ALS are wrong to consider Reversal investigation false hope and disparage them and challenge their credibility. Consistently, dismissing Reversals as mimics is disingenuous since there are no diseases that mimic many of the Reversal progressions from healthy to quadriplegia (with feeding tubes and ventilators) and then returning to full health. ALS researchers and organizations rightly try to purvey therapeutic hope but real hope comes from transparent research.

Astonishingly, independent neuroscientist Steve Spiegel is the first to explain Dr. Bedlack's assertion about what is causing documented Reversals; more importantly, Spiegel also explains methods for duplicating them. Our absolutely free, complementary naturopathic treatment is based on a linked breakthrough in natural science theory unifying eastern and western natural science. Since ALSreversals.com only investigates documented Reversals and ALSuntangled.com only investigates established alternative therapies, this website now promotes trials of Natural Science Therapy for ALS to demonstrate its effectiveness. Our linked treatment is open to all ALS sufferers but targets those who respect science and logic, and remain capable of rational cognition. Protocols for trials are also linked; they explain how to participate in initial trials. Moreover, the natural healthy skepticism of an unconventional therapy program is addressed through the skepticism link. Lastly, questions and comments are appreciated through the contact link.

Let's Beat ALS... Now!

Disclaimer: the material at this website is intended for informational purposes only and should not substitute for professional medical advice.